Art Advisory
Art Advisory Services are tailored to meet the needs of each individual client. We begin by gaining a full understanding of your objectives by exploring your distinct areas of interest and aesthetic taste, keeping in mind space, budget requirements and investment objectives. Once personalized goals are established, we work collaboratively to present art and design selections for your consideration.
Our advisors work closely with you to develop a preliminary budget and expert recommendations on acquisitions, placement, installation, and proper lighting. Once these are approved, we carry out implementation of the agreed plan. Miller Gaffney Art Advisory can even provide signature interiors customized to meet site-specific requirements. Whether your art program includes the establishment or management of a private or corporate collection, acquisitions or commissions, our specialists will personally oversee your project from conception to completion. We also offer dispersal services, utilizing an extensive network with utmost discretion to achieve excellent prices for your artworks.
Art Advisory Services: